Where is Sharp Point in “House of the Dragon”?

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“House of the Dragon,” the much-anticipated prequel to the phenomenal “Game of Thrones” series, takes us back to the world of Westeros, a place steeped in mystery, power struggles, and rich history. Among the many locations that fans are eager to explore is Sharp Point—a place that holds its own significance in the lore of Westeros. But where exactly is Sharp Point, and why is it so important?

The Setting of “House of the Dragon”

Before diving into the specifics of Sharp Point, it’s essential to understand the broader setting of “House of the Dragon.” The series, set approximately 200 years before the events of “Game of Thrones,” explores the Targaryen dynasty’s rise and fall, focusing on the internal conflicts and political maneuvers that eventually lead to the infamous Targaryen civil war, known as the Dance of the Dragons.

Westeros, the primary continent where the series takes place, is a land of diverse geography and cultures. From the icy North to the warm sands of Dorne, every location has its unique history and significance, influencing the events of the series in various ways.

Sharp Point – A Brief Description

What is Sharp Point?

Sharp Point is a coastal castle located on the southeastern coast of Westeros, on the shores of Blackwater Bay. While it may not be as renowned as King’s Landing or Winterfell, Sharp Point has its place in the lore of “House of the Dragon.” The castle is home to House Bar Emmon, a minor noble house sworn to Dragonstone, the ancestral seat of House Targaryen.

Where is Sharp Point in "House of the Dragon"?

Historical Importance in the Lore

In the grand scheme of Westeros’ history, Sharp Point may seem minor, but its strategic location near the capital, King’s Landing, and its connection to Dragonstone, make it a noteworthy location. Sharp Point serves as a crucial outpost, guarding the approaches to the Blackwater Bay, and has been involved in various historical events that shaped the political landscape of Westeros.

The Geography of Sharp Point

Location on the Map of Westeros

Geographically, Sharp Point is situated on the northeastern shores of Blackwater Bay, just south of Dragonstone and north of the Wendwater River. Its proximity to these key locations adds to its strategic value, making it a significant point of interest for those controlling the region.

Proximity to Other Key Locations

Sharp Point’s closeness to Dragonstone, the seat of House Targaryen, and King’s Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, places it in a position of considerable importance. This strategic location allows the lords of Sharp Point to keep a watchful eye on the bay and the surrounding territories.

Where is Sharp Point in "House of the Dragon"?

The Castle of Sharp Point

Architecture and Design

The castle of Sharp Point, like many others in Westeros, is built for defense. Perched on a cliff overlooking the bay, its walls are high and formidable, designed to withstand sieges and assaults. The castle’s design reflects the needs of a coastal stronghold, with watchtowers, battlements, and a small harbor that allows for quick access to the sea.

Role in the Series

In “House of the Dragon,” Sharp Point may not be one of the central locations, but it plays a vital role in the backdrop of the story. As a sworn bannerman to House Targaryen, the lords of Sharp Point are involved in the political intrigues and military campaigns that characterize the era.

The Lords of Sharp Point

House Bar Emmon

Sharp Point is the seat of House Bar Emmon, a noble house of modest influence but rich in history. The Bar Emmons have long been loyal to the Targaryens, serving as staunch supporters of the dragonlords during their reign.

Relationship with Other Houses

House Bar Emmon’s loyalty to House Targaryen has earned them both respect and enmity from other houses. Their close ties to Dragonstone place them in a precarious position, often caught in the crossfire of larger political conflicts.

The History of House Bar Emmon

Origins and Background

House Bar Emmon traces its roots back to the Age of Heroes, with legends claiming their founder was a warrior who served the Storm King. Over the centuries, they established themselves as a reliable, if unremarkable, house that managed to maintain its holdings through strategic marriages and alliances.

Key Members of the House

Throughout history, several members of House Bar Emmon have made their mark, though none have reached the heights of fame like the members of larger houses. However, their role as loyal bannermen to House Targaryen has seen them participate in significant events, including the Dance of the Dragons.

House Bar Emmon in “House of the Dragon”

In “House of the Dragon,” House Bar Emmon’s presence is felt more through its alliances and the political landscape of the time. Their loyalty to the Targaryens means they are often involved in the conflicts that arise as the various factions within the Targaryen family vie for power.

The Strategic Importance of Sharp Point

Military Significance

Sharp Point’s location makes it a key military outpost. Its position on the coast allows for control over the surrounding waters, making it an essential point for defense and supply lines, particularly during times of war.

Political Influence

While House Bar Emmon may not wield significant political power on its own, its loyalty to House Targaryen and the strategic importance of Sharp Point give it a degree of influence, especially during the turbulent times depicted in “House of the Dragon.”

Battles and Conflicts

Key Battles Involving Sharp Point

Over the centuries, Sharp Point has seen its share of conflicts. While not always at the center of major battles, it has served as a staging ground or a point of contention in several skirmishes, particularly those involving control of the Blackwater Bay.

Impact on the Realm

The outcomes of these conflicts have often had broader implications for the realm, influencing the balance of power in the region and affecting the political landscape of Westeros as a whole.

Sharp Point and Dragons

Connection to Dragons and Targaryens

Sharp Point’s connection to Dragonstone naturally links it to the dragons and their riders. While the castle itself may not have housed dragons, its proximity to Dragonstone means it has always been within the sphere of influence of the Targaryens and their fearsome beasts.

The Role of Dragons in “House of the Dragon”

Dragons play a central role in “House of the Dragon,” and while Sharp Point may not be the primary focus of dragon-related events, its proximity to Dragonstone ensures that it remains relevant in the story. The presence of dragons in the skies above Sharp Point is a reminder of the power that the Targaryens wield.

Dragonriders and Sharp Point

Notable Dragonriders Linked to the Location

While no notable dragonriders are directly tied to Sharp Point, its strategic location means that dragonriders often pass over or near the castle. The sight of dragons soaring above the bay would have been a common one for the inhabitants of Sharp Point.

Key Events Involving Dragons

In “House of the Dragon,” key events involving dragons often impact the entire region, including Sharp Point. The Dance of the Dragons, in particular, sees many battles and skirmishes that affect the surrounding areas, including this coastal stronghold.

Sharp Point’s Cultural Significance

Symbolism in the Series

Sharp Point, like many locations in Westeros, carries symbolic weight. It represents the smaller, yet strategically vital, elements that contribute to the larger tapestry of Westeros’ history. Its loyalty to the Targaryens, despite its minor status, symbolizes the importance of alliances and loyalty in the world of “House of the Dragon.”

Fan Theories and Speculations

Fans of the series have long speculated about the role of Sharp Point in the broader story. Some believe that it could play a more significant role in future episodes, particularly as the Dance of the Dragons unfolds and the Targaryen civil war spreads across Westeros.

Sharp Point in Popular Culture

Influence Beyond the Series

While Sharp Point may not be as iconic as other locations like Winterfell or King’s Landing, it has nonetheless captured the imagination of fans. Its depiction in fan art, maps, and discussions highlights its place in the rich world of Westeros.

Representation in Fan Art and Media

Sharp Point has been featured in various fan-created content, from detailed maps to illustrations of the castle and its surroundings. This fan interest underscores the depth of the world that George R.R. Martin created and the way even lesser-known locations contribute to the overall lore.


Sharp Point may not be the most prominent location in “House of the Dragon,” but its strategic importance, historical significance, and connection to the Targaryens make it a vital part of the story. As the series progresses, we may see more of Sharp Point’s role in the unfolding drama of the Targaryen dynasty. Whether as a loyal outpost or a battleground in the Dance of the Dragons, Sharp Point stands as a testament to the intricate and interconnected world of Westeros.


  1. What is Sharp Point’s role in “House of the Dragon”?
    • Sharp Point serves as a strategic coastal castle, home to House Bar Emmon, and plays a role in the political and military events surrounding the Targaryens.
  2. Who are the key characters associated with Sharp Point?
    • The key characters associated with Sharp Point are the members of House Bar Emmon, a minor house loyal to the Targaryens.
  3. How does Sharp Point compare to other locations in Westeros?
    • While not as prominent as places like King’s Landing or Dragonstone, Sharp Point’s strategic location makes it an important outpost in the defense of the region.
  4. Are there any notable battles at Sharp Point?
    • Sharp Point has been involved in various skirmishes and conflicts, particularly those related to control of Blackwater Bay.
  5. Will Sharp Point play a bigger role in future episodes?
    • It’s possible that Sharp Point will feature more prominently as the series delves deeper into the Dance of the Dragons and the Targaryen civil war.


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